Calathea Vittata 4″

Burnaby Lake Greenhouses SKU: 65215



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The Details

Calathea Vittata are low light plants, which makes them perfect for indoor growing in those less than ideal plant corners of your room. As for this plant, she expects to be treated with kindness and respect. She likes high humidity, having her leaves misted, and getting watered just enough for her soil to be moist at all times. Too much water will lead to root rot!

Pot size- Pot has a diameter of 10 cm
Watering Schedule- Frequent water needed
Repotting requirements- Once every two years
Current Approx. Height- 16 cm tall, including pot
Light requirements- Bright north facing, no direct sunlight
Pets- Not toxic
Fertilizing requirements- Once every two weeks in summer
*We are unable to ship plants at this time. This item is available for pick up in store or local delivery only. 

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