Hoya Kerrii 2.25″

Burnaby Lake Greenhouses SKU: 65217



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The Details

Heartleaf Hoya is simply Plantsome’s cutest. She’s actually a rooted leaf cutting of a Hoya or Wax Plant, and isn’t she just destined to melt your heart! This cute baby plant is also called a Lucky Heart. Well at Plantsome we are definitely lucky that she’s here and we’ll only let her go if you promise to love her forever! By Plantsome. 

Pot size- Pot has a diameter of 10 cm
Watering Schedule- Moderate water needed
Repotting requirements- Not needed

Current Approx. Height- 7 cm tall, including pot
Light requirements- South facing no direct sunlight

Pets- Not toxic
Fertilizing requirements- Once a month in summer
*We are unable to ship plants at this time. This item is available for pick up in store or local delivery only. 

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