Pothos Golden 6″ Basket
Burnaby Lake Greenhouses SKU: 61105$24.00
The Details
The Epipremnum is widely known and loved. This plant might just be a perfect example of that. Her leaves grow tremendously fast, which means that there will be a huge vine draping through your room in no time. On top of that, it’s known to be (queue high pitched voice) ‘aweeeeeesome’ at purifying the air, and also pretty chill when it comes to her favourite spots in the house. Her only request is not to be hung directly in sunlight. By Plantsome.
Pot size- Pot has a diameter of 10 cm
Watering Schedule- Moderate water needed
Repotting requirements- Every other year
Current Approx. Height- 32 cm tall, including pot
Light requirements- Low or medium light
Pets- Toxic
Fertilizing requirements- Nitrogen rich fertilizer (monthly)
*We are unable to ship plants at this time. This item is available for pick up in store or local delivery only.