Keep your main card close at hand for swiping and spending on the go. No more bulky pockets on a run, or digging for your wallet as you commute. Made from flexible polymer for strength, and premium leather so it feels great, we’ve made sure it only takes a swipe of your thumb to release the card. Tuck a bill behind the case, leave your wallet at home, and your night out just got that bit slimmer too.
At Bellroy, the leathers they use are premium hides tanned under gold-rated Leather Working Group environmental protocols, then dyed through so they age gracefully. The woven fabrics we use are sustainably produced and chosen for their durability and lightweight performance. By Bellroy.
Fits an iPhone 6/7/8
In Black
70mm x 140mm x 10mm
SIM card slot
Premium, environmentally certified leather and polymer
Soft microfiber lining and chamfered edges